With all the craziness thats been happening around me these last few weeks I've had very little time for crafting. Perhaps crafting is just what the doctor ordered though, to get my mind off of all the craziness, guess I should take that to mind this weekend! I finally got my sewing machine out for a test run in the new house to make a beautiful baby blanket for a friend who is expecting this October (but I forgot to take a picture!) and I whipped up a pair of flashy, sparkly dangling earrings for my friend Jen who will wear them as a bridesmaid in a wedding this fall. I can post those (seen above)! The bride likes them so much she commissioned a second pair! And I had a commission for a necklace that will be a birthday present for someone special (again no picture of that either!). Part of the problem with the pictures is that my camera isn't working so well. You might have noticed that my pictures have been less than par lately, strange pink stripes on the edges and whatnot. Another problem is that I haven't been able to find the right place for picture taking in the new house. The new house has a big old beautiful pecan tree in the back yard, so big it overshadows the house and gives wonderful relieving shade to the whole lot. Unfortunately for me, that means I get no bright sunlight to take pictures with. I'll have to think of a lighting alternative, multiple florescents or some such!